Grade 9 Band Trip Payments

Grade 9 band trip payments can be made through the SchoolCash online program (instructions were sent out by Mr. Cusack early in the school year). Cash or cheques may also be turned in to the main office. Please call the school if you have any questions. Thank you!

An interesting perspective on staying involved in music

On a March 13 podcast episode of his and brother Travis Kelce’s New Heights podcast, retired NFL star Jason Kelce gave fans more context on his musical background, on the things that band taught him, and why he thanked his school band director when he retired from the NFL.

“I tell people this all the time. I really think playing band and playing music in general has allowed me to excel in other things,” including sports. “With band, in my opinion, if you want to learn the importance and the value of practice, nothing will teach you that more clearly than an instrument.” 

You can see the interview here:

Or read a summary in this article: